Tips & Tricks, Video Marketing

Top 7 Hacks To Get More YouTube Subscribers

Written by presspeace · 5 min read >
TOP 7 HACKS to get more youtube subscribers

YouTube is an opportunity. The miraculous platform for influencers and promoters. A personal YouTube channel can be a great way to deliver content to your followers. Often, the content you’re promoting will be much more effective since coming directly from you. It is a remarkable place for promoting one’s personal brand as it offers something that other social media websites doesn’t do. It’s a space of constantly engaging the audience as they just have to watch. No scrolling, No reading, absolutely nothing. Just binge-watching!

According to the stats, it’s interesting that Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world. It is a free video blogging(vlogging) platform offered by Google and roughly marking 22 billion monthly visits. It actually outranks all the other social media channels in terms of bounce rate, meaning it has higher engagement and lower bounce rate. It’s a widely medium to promote, entertain, and educate your desired audiences.

youtube stats
Via StatusBrew

Anyone for us can become a Rising star on YouTube. Every month more than a billion people create YouTube channels. This directly means that there is a massive base of viewers for each uploaded video. But only creating a YouTube channel doesn’t work. What exactly you need are the Subscribers. There are tons of Youtube channels that get unnoticed, and the reason for this is the lack of strategies for attracting more subscribers to their channels.

The success of a YouTube channel depends not only on the content but also on some well-thought-out strategies. Here are the top 7 hacks to get more YouTube subscribers.

Introduce Yourself on your channel

We mostly feel awkward and a little reluctant when asked to introduce ourselves. But being shy and conscious doesn’t work on youtube as this platform is all about showcasing self. So just keep all your awkwardness aside for the time being and create a beautiful short intro video to build an everlasting connection with your audiences. I know it’s a little challenging but give it a try; you will love the experience. You just need to follow some simple tips:

  1. Don’t hold your camera yourself. Try if you can get someone to hold it for you. Selfie videos are good when you are on a roller coaster rides and not for the introduction’s videos.
  2. Shaky videos are awful. Make sure that your camera is stable.
  3. Use a decent background and minimize any sort of noise from the background. If you are using a smartphone, make sure that the background noise is at a minimum.
  4. There are many editing apps available online. Try to learn them and edit your videos. Keep your video short and simple. Don’t overlay text.
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youtube subscribers

Create your video Thumbnails Manually.

This is one of the most important hack popular Youtubers agree upon. It is sensible and reasonable as you would know actually what content you wanted to show in the video. That is why create your own thumbnail rather than allowing YouTube to create any random image for you. It is useful because the resultant thumbnail helps in increasing the video’s click-through rate(CTR).

It is vital to design an eye catchy thumbnail for your video because it is one of the selling points. Viewers can easily identify as to what content you must be showing inside your video. Also, if the thumbnail is exciting, it will attract new viewers and more subscribers.

YouTube currently offers a selection of thumbnails from three intervals – at the 1/4th mark, at the 1/2 mark, and at the 3/4th mark. Choose the one that best illustrates what your video is about. Ideally, the size of a YouTube thumbnail image should be 1280×720 pixels. Also, striking typography will be a cherry on the top.

So if you are not aware of it, you are missing a lot, so start doing it today to attract more subscribers.

youtube subscribers

Apart from this, you can also hire someone from Fiverr if you want someone else to get it designed for you.

Increase the Frequency of your video uploads

It is effortless to say but difficult to be done. Indeed it’s like a daily routine you need to perform to get the right video on time. One of the biggest factors responsible for the subscribers is the video frequency. Your viewers are there to see you in the videos and what you have new for them, and if you lack in showing them at the correct time, you lose them. Even a slight delay can cost the channel its reputation.

Consistency is the key to developing a long-lasting relationship with your subscribers. You need to release your video timely, recurring, and in a structured format. Give a try to publish at least 1-2 videos per week and at least 3-4 videos in a month. That’s the least you can do to keep your channel alive and fresh. You need to stick to the designed schedule and stick to it, don’t just go off track. This consistency will help your viewers engaged with your channel and gain more subscribers.


Adding Watermark to your video

YouTube allows us to put a branding watermark to the uploaded videos. This Watermark will appear in all the videos we upload, enable the viewers to subscribe to our channel inside the video. It is one of the most powerful hacks’ so far. Most of the popular YouTubers, therefore, use the “Subscribe” icon as their Watermark. As per some of them, their videos and channels’ popularity grew almost by 70 percent because of this icon.

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You can anyways remove any existing watermark and add the new one all by your choice. The “Branding” option would appear on the left-hand side under the header “Channel.” You need to click on the button called “Add a Watermark.” It would then lead to the “Upload a Watermark” page. Select the “Choose File” button and find the required watermark from the PC. And then, the watermark would appear in the videos.


Use of Keyword Rich and Descriptive title

Don’t miss out on using the keyword in the title. It had a larger impact on SEO, as seen from the past, and had a great impact on the video. Google bots need to have keywords to understand what video is all about.
You can look for Google Adwords to identify what people are actually looking for. Try to tackle your videos with a perfect combination of high volume searches and low competition.

The ideal limit of the video title stands not more than 50 characters. You need to make sure that your title is descriptive, giving the audience a sneak peek of what the video is all about. For getting more clicks to make the title quirky and engaging. The higher the clicks, the more the rank.

In short, you need to learn how you can write sort, sweet, simple, and eye-catchy titles. For this, you will surely need to conduct keyword research; you can typically use keyword planners and research SEO tools to do that. This can help you get an optimized ranking title hence increasing the credibility of your channel.

youtube title

YouTube Intro and Outro

This is one of the most attractive hacks that help in branding and makes your video more entertaining. It actually offers a sense of professionalism to your channel. In layman’s terms, it’s like the opening song of any TV serial.

Your intro acts as a glue for the audience. If it is designed and executed in a good fashion, the viewers remain intact with the channel for a long time. They actually connect their self and their emotions with you.

So, don’t forget to keep a dashing intro and outro for your videos. You can use various tools to design a short intro for your videos.

intro image

Collaboration with Influencers and Fellow YouTubers

An influencer is one of the already established go-getters when it is considered ruling in the audience’s hearts. Influencer marketing is one such fast-growing and highly paced tactics to grow your YouTube channel as they already have a built-in audience that re-share and posts their content, having the potential to provide a surge in views on a viral scale. To locate the Influencers in your interest sphere, you can simply use Umano Social Media as a tool.

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Secondly, it is also essential to collaborate with your fellow YouTubers as it needs the hour for top content creators. And you must be wondering why? Indeed because collaboration increases coordination and mutually benefits everyone. It is not only good for you but also for your audience.

The creative process is a constructive one, and seeing other YouTubers as your competitors will only impede your progress. Try to reach out to similar content creators and work on creating something together that is interesting and influencing. Your collaborator will help you out to reach a new audience and hence benefitting your channel.

It’s simply a win-win situation for everyone.



At last, you need to understand that getting many views and subscribers on YouTube takes a lot of time. The platform has its own checks and balances to ensure that quality video content reaches its users always and often. It is definitely not a midnight glory. You really need to work hard to get the best. Remember that what works well for others may not work best for you, but you need to keep going!

Just keep experimenting with camera angles, background, content, video thumbnails. Keep an eye on some of the basic changes you make and visualize how it can go for your audience. And yeah! one day, you will definitely Rock on.

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Thank you.

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