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Fully Proven Guide to Start And Monetize A Wedding Blog in 2021

Written by Vipin Sharma · 5 min read >
Fully Proven Guide to Start And Monetize A Wedding Blog

Blog are of different types and have a variety of niches. You choose it based on your interest and your audience.

Wedding blog also has a diverse variety of sub-niches like DIY blooms, wedding photography, elopement weddings, local weddings, budget wedding, etc. In 2021 they are getting popular because they are profitable and wedding couples keep interested in reading such blogs. 

Starting a wedding blog is an easy task but maintaining it with consistent performance is not. So, specifically for the wedding bloggers, we have made a full read proven guide to start and monetize their first wedding blog.

Without wasting a moment, let us start it.

Plan & Strategize

Plan and strategize

From a business viewpoint, the first approach in any business is planning & organizing the strategies and goals.

You need to choose and define the specific goals such that you know what your wedding blog audience, content, etc., would be. 

The planning fundamental aim defines your business. Are you going to serve the audience, educate the audience, or helping out the audience? All their answers are aims. Choose the primary purposes wisely because it will decide the blog’s future.

Strategy building comes into the lead role. Strategies are the steps to achieve your aim. Follow all the steps written down.

Budget making

Surely, you came here after a certain amount of having the budget. Budgeting is all about income and expenses. Note down all the costs first in your notepad or notebook. Keep the estimate of maximized cost and minimized cost of your blog such that it gives you a round figure idea of future risk.

Content planning

If Your wedding blog is an informatic site, your blog will only run on its content. Content decides your watch time on your site. And it ensures your success. 

Plan your content based on your defined goals and interest. Why interest? Because you will write the content for the months, your site got hampered if it disinterests you.


Consistency hooks your readers, which makes your blog reliable in volume.

Do you want that your readers read your blog for one time only? Of course, not. To solve this problem, you need to schedule the timing for publishing the content on the site.

Give a particular time for the articles to be published. It may be one article per day, per two days, or per week. Whatever the time it is, just pin it.

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Tool using

For SEO, content making, scheduling, many tools make you more productive and time-effective. List out these tools on paper or notepad and take advantage of them.

Content Updation

For this, you will have to decide the date of updating all the previous content on a timely basis. As it creates your article more reliable, content worthy, and refreshing to your audience.  It also helps in the SEO optimization of your content.



Many bloggers write some articles for their blog, and afterward, they publish them on the site. And some of them made the site first and write the content later on it.

So, the choice is yours. If you think you have a deep-down interest in your wedding niche and can make the content on a timely basis after creating the site, it’s also good.

But for security and effectiveness, writing the article in MS Word before uploading it- is the right choice.

There is a saying that reading is necessary to write. When you write the content for a wedding blog, read various other wedding sites about making the content. But don’t copy-paste them. Neither it will be categorized as plagiarism of content.

Here are some quick tips to make your content better:

  • Be helpful to your readers
  • Storytelling
  • Problem-solving
  • Image.
  • Quality over quantity
  • Suitable titles

Give the most of your time on research and find the wedding’s real experiences if it is the titled article’s requirement.

Domain Name & Hosting

Server hosting

Deciding the proper domain name is a very hard task. Because It says tomorrow.

A domain name should be relevant to your wedding site. There are specific examples of good domain names; you can set up something like them.


In these all examples, you can see that there is one thing in common that their name is related to the wedding or wedding-related items. Why. It’s simple because the search engine understood it better that the site is all about the wedding or marriage blog.

Apart from it, you can choose the name on your name. Like the


And there is an option of your name and wedding in a mixed way like


Check here which wedding domain name is available for your site.

You can purchase the best domain name by comparing the different domain name providers.

The second task is to find the best hosting provider for your web address after purchasing the domain name.

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Hosting is the server or location where you kept all your files. Files are related to your website’s content.

You can choose shared web hosting instead of dedicated web hosting in the starting. But after becoming a larger site, you will have to shift all your content to a dedicated server.

Here you can choose the best web hosting for you.

WordPress Site Setup in one of the best blogging platforms.

Install WordPress: Nowadays, most hosting providers give free service to install WordPress with a single click. You can check that they are providing or not while choosing Webhosting.

Select wedding blog theme: Theme is the whole look of your site. It grabs the readers. So it should be all content providing in the first look.

Here are some best themes you can choose for your wedding blog.

Add content on the site: Now it’s time to show the real thing to the readers. Yes, your MS word written blogs. You can upload it via the pages and posts section in WordPress.

Setting up the Settings: For customization of your site, you need to manage the setting. These should be according to your and your’s reader convenience.

Installing the plugins: Plugins are the tools in WordPress to make the site function easy and automated. They make your site beautiful and fast. For SEO certain plugins are very necessary.

Adding up furthers: If you know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP then there is a benefit to you that you can change the codes to make your site smooth and responsive.

Apart from it took your website on an HTTPS server to make your credibility and reliability for the user more relevant. It’s a must for your site.

Email Funnel & Social Media Accounts

Email marketing

Your site has been ready to upload your content and publish it. Now you have to learn the marketing strategy. What is that? Oh! Selling? Surely, No.

Marketing is making people aware of your product and service. And selling is considered as part of marketing.

Email Funneling is also a part of marketing. It makes the people aware of your content through the emails. When you open any site, you would have seen a message like a form-letter pop up for filling in your name and email. It is the same- email marketing.

On your wedding blog, the content is going to be related to shopping and information. Your readers are required to update with your good or service with this email marketing. Try to make the leads through your email communications.

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Here are the tools for email marketing.

Monetizing Your Site

Monetizing your site

To make your site a future runner, you have to choose your income source wisely. On the wedding website, there is a lot of methods to monetize it like:

Selling Wedding Products: If you own your product, you can sell them via the site.

Ad Networks: Ad shown on the website through the other product or service providers. You can reach the amazon ads or google ads for the same.

Affiliate Membership: Affiliate marketing is selling the other product on behalf of a particular commission.

Sponsored Posts: You can write about wedding products to educate the brides or grooms. And earn money with sponsorship.

Selling Digital Products: You can sell the designs of your wedding cards, DIY planning courses, Wedding budget worksheets, etc., and earn money.

Check here to know more about monetizing the site.


Running a blog is an easy task, but starting it very difficult. Difficult is not due to blogging but all because of the doubt to begin it. And we all go once through it.

But once you start it, you easily get into the habitat of it. Believe us you will love the blogging journey. 

So, Start your first wedding blog with our full above proven guide, and don’t forget to share your story with us.

Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment down below if you have any doubts about starting a wedding blog. We will respond to you as soon as possible. 

Thank you for reading.

Keep sharing; keep loving. 🙂

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