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Top 6 High Earning Niche Ideas for Mom Blogger

Written by Blogging Dude · 6 min read >
high earning niche ideas for mom blogger

Working Moms are Role models to the surrounding others. Every Mom in some way or the other always has a desire in the heart to be the best out of others for their child and family. They continuously thrive to be the perfectionist in all the ways and starts living there life for people around them.

Moms are the closest to their kids and so the kids need to realize from a very early age that their Moms are not just the domestic servants and also have a life of their own. They can also have dreams. They can also be professional. They can also serve as a role model for the kids. One needs to understand that they also need to think of their career and not just getting married and having children.

Studies suggest that Working women feel personal happiness and fulfilment which makes them a better mother. The more the moms are happier the kids are also happier. They are much more protective when it comes to depression. But do you really think that it is important to step out and work? Not true, Moms can be at home and kick start there career with great zeal and enthusiasm.

Blogging can be a boom for Moms. But there is a lot of debate surrounding the right blog niche these days. The competition is at peak and so everyone wants to be the best in the desired field. Someone wants to “Follow Passion”. Another blogger wants to “Follow Money”. Yet another wants to “Do Something original”.Rather than drowning self into the pool of thoughts do whatever you like. Do follow your passion and everything will fall into place.

Moms can prove to be best at blogging. Its just that they need to invest in the right niche. Let’s talk about top 6 high earning niche ideas for mom blogger.

1. Food and Nutrition for Kids

Food and Nutrition are two words which we all hear in our day-to-day life. As a Mom it is one primary responsibility and yeah passion too to feed there kids with a balanced diet.

But for most of us, it is a matter to worry because of our kids being peaky eaters. Also, with the growing modern world kids are the more junky side of food. But have you ever wondered that being a Mom we can add stars to the food and serve our kids their favourite meal just with small changes in our recipes? Trust me there are a lot of mothers who are already becoming superstars in this allied area.

You can be one of them. You just need to pen down the ideas you give to your food by adding some healthy ingredients in whatever you cook and later transferring them as blogs. This can give other Moms at home to be on board and try out their version of the recipe and later sharing them by being a Mom blogger. Isn’t this interesting?

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For example, have a look at this website “Mom to Mom Nutrition”.

Mom to mom nutirtion

This website is run by Katie Serbenski, who is on a mission to make mealtime happier, healthier, and easier with her 3 munchkins.

Click to visit her blog.

2. Parenting

Parents can do really well in this market because there’s so much content to be created here. Anytime you have content, you can create a blog with a niche idea that can act a preparation for success. And if you are looking for a niche with a wide variety of contents than one of the most profitable nice is Parenting. This is something Moms can start easily and get popular in a very short period.

Just give a thought that there are entire stores dedicated to newborns and children and more than hundreds and thousands of products for parents too. Therefore, this niche is omnipresent – because Moms are like God and they are present everywhere.

You simply need to start a blog on famous topics related to Parenting like newborn care, parenthood tips, name idea etc and can earn a handsome amount by writing, affiliate marketing, advertisement and products.

Go and Rock the world Mamma!

For Example, look at the website “Mommy on Purpose” and get an idea.

Mommy on purpose

Carly of Mommy on Purpose is a famous blogger and also a stay at home mom who blogs about pregnancy tips and being a mom. She has no over 400k pageviews and earns more than $5000k a month now. She monetizes her money through ads, tips and writeups.

Click to visit her blog.

3. Health and Wellness

Health and wellness are immense niches online and one of the leading blogs to kick off. They are comprehensive subjects where many people know about its profitability. This is one such place from where you can speak to a big chunk of people in the world.

Every parent before and since the birth of their young one are very much into the health of there newborns. Moms go crazy keeping up well with their own health along with the kids. They have so much to tell about the experiments they have done seeking advice’s from internet to all other places. Have you ever thought of being the one who can share tips regarding the child health, pregnancy health, after delivery health with other moms on the basis of experiences you had being a parent.

You can be the one who can write about ways to keep one healthy after pregnancy, with child, talk about health products, How to eat right, endorsement of brands and others through your blogging website.

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For example, look at the website “Easy living today”.

easy living today

Jessica of Easy Living Today is a mom who shares her love of living a healthy and fit life by eating right. She mostly targets mom who wants tips on keeping and being healthy. She almost earns $20,000 a month from her blogs by sponsored content, ads, affiliate marketing and her own products. Surprising Na!

Click to visit her blog.

4. Lifestyle

A lifestyle blog is like a world with different countries. You can write different topics under one umbrella. Meaning lifestyle is a niche and you have a variety of ideas to showcase. A lifestyle blog is a popular blog with many different topics. A lifestyle is the most money-making blogging ideas. You can focus on one core and write about it and so on. Family life, culture, housekeeping, fashion, beauty, travel diary in addition to general travel ideas and advice.

This is deliberately a wide and indefinite niche but something that you do in your daily life and share with others as a part of your experience can be the perfect blog niche. The advantage of a lifestyle blog is that you can cover a lot of ground and still be relevant. You just need to be careful with the focus area because you can be vague as it can create boredom in your audience. So choose a topic out of travel, culture, family, fashion, beauty, Glamour or anything else and write about them.

For example, look at the website “A Cup of Jo”.

A cup of Jo

Joanna Goddard of A cup of Jo is a Journalist turned Mommy Blogger who runs blog out of her hobby and passion. She is now a full-time blogger. She posts about fashion advice, motherhood and travelling with children. She also provides general tips on love life, dating and relationships. She earns a handsome amount of money by sponsored ads, content, tips and store for her products. Interesting Na!

Click to visit her blog.

5. Newborn

Being a mother is a feeling out of the world. For the first time in your life, you have to put someone else before your own, all the time and always.Your need, desires, comfort all depends upon them. You’re actually responsible for someone else smile. That’s terrifying.

You’re learning to be a Mama and being a hard worker. You want to be the best Mom and thrive each day to be the one. Life with a new baby can mean a steep learning curve. You need to have advice from diaper changing and bath time to sleep habits and feeding schedules.

Have you ever thought that how beautiful it would be when you can get someone to learn from your experiences? Yes, this is one of the most important niches for Moms to blog because every Mom needs advise. So why not kick start your journey being the newborn Mom Blogger and give tips and share contents on breastfeeding activity, diaper changing to potty training, baby food, sewing baby clothes, products used for you precious newborns.

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For example, have a look at the website “Swaddles n Bottles”.

swaddles n bottles

Caroline of Swaddles n Bottles started her blog when her first baby was just few months old. Her wish was to provide expectant mothers with tips and information that will make the journey of their motherhood easy and beautiful. She is killing with her traffic of over 6 million visitors per month. Her most recent income report says her blog generated over $11,000 using affiliate marketing and ads. Isn’t it terrific!

Click to visit her blog.

6. Budgeting & Finance

Anything related to money is the most searched topic online. There will be no day or time when people won’t have questions about finances and budget. Questions may change and vary based on a change in the market but this worry is endless and will go on with the time. Its just that question will be asked different forms. Don’t you think that topic related to budget and Finance can be a bang on for market? There is so much content that can be created around it.

Moms are Home Ministers. They plan monthly expenditures and keep up with the budget and spending. You can write a lot about managing budgets and finances and this is one of the most searched niches on the internet. Tips to expenditure and saving, managing budgets, etc can help others also save a chunk of there amount. This can drive a lot of traffic to your blog.

You can cover topics related to monthly expenditure on grocery,, veggies, fruits, meal budget planning, trip and outdoors planning, managing loans and debts, saving for future, expenditure for kids, birthdays and festivals, shopping and leisure lifestyle. You can create content around use of paychecks and budget spreadsheet.

For example, look at the website “The Budget Mom” to get a hint on hacks to plan and save money.

The budget Mom

Kumiko Love of The Budget Mom is a successful business owner, and an Accredited Financial Counselor is a Mom to a 7-year-old son. She gives unique, practical and fun-loving budget tips to plan your money. She earns a terrific amount through her budget tips, sponsorship, amazon commission and ads.

Click to visit her blog.


This is some of the most profitable niches to start your journey as a Mom blogger. Make this year for you Momma. Decide and just bang on to hit the market.

Do share in the comment box if you have some more exciting niches.

Best Wishes Mom Blogger!

Much Love:)

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