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Top 21 Online Marketing Gurus to follow in 2021

Written by Vipin Sharma · 7 min read >
Top 21 Online Marketing Gurus to Follow in 2021

In these early years, online marketing has seen rapid and massive growth in the digital industry. Email marketing, SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, and this list goes on. No one knew it before. But now, online marketing or digital marketing has given numerous sub-niches.

So who did it? Yeah, the online marketing gurus made their roles here. A generation following another generation to learn, earn, creative, unique, and most important, to self stand out.

Guru is a term of Sanskrit that means “teacher.” These online teachers had helped the millions with their knowledge to evolve others’ business on this virtual thing ‘web .’ And now they are sharing their experiences and lessons to become the best digital marketer.

Following and grasping are necessary to evolve.

So without wasting a moment, let us introduce you to the top 21 online marketing gurus who will stand out different among thousands.

Neil Patel

Neil patel- Best in Online marketing Gurus
Via Facebook


If you are into one percent of online marketing, then it is sure you would have heard about him already. He is one of the most experienced, wise, knowledgeable, and encouraging digital marketers. At the age of 16, he started his online marketing journey and became the co-founder of companies like Hello Bar, KISSmetrics, and CrazyEgg. Besides it, he has worked with big giant companies like Amazon, Google, eBay, etc.

Neil Patel believes in succeeding the small business into the giant one. He began UbberSuggest to help digital marketers. He regularly updates people about digital marketing, SEO, and all on his website

You can follow Neil Patel via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram | Website | Youtube

Seth Godin

Seth Godin Online marketing guru
Via Nordic Business Forum


He doesn’t require any introduction—one of the most fabulous, knowledgeable, experienced online marketing gurus. As a professional writer, he spent 30 years of his life and published 19 bestselling books like THIS IS MARKETING, the dip, The Practice, etc. He professionally teaches marketing with the online courses on UDEMY. Five times he had been part of a TED talk show also.

You can read his free ebooks on platforms like placebo and education. Here is a lot to learn from him. On the website Seth’s blog, he daily uploads 300 to 500 words content post; and gets millions of readers.

You can follow Seth Godin via following social media channels-

Twitter | Instagram | Website

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Online marketing Guru
Via Facebook


Gary Vaynerchuk lighted his Online marketing career in the late 90s. He changed his father’s local liquor business into one of the finest wine e-commerce platforms, selling $3-60MM throughout the five years.

He is the Chairperson of the VaynerX, Vayenermedia, also representative of VaynerSports, Green street, and the restaurant reservation app Ressy. He is a high-profile speaker, five times New York bestselling author, and a prolific angel investor. Gary has hosted the top 100 business podcasts, The GaryVee Audio Experience. In the online world, he has more than 12 million followers on a combined platform like Facebook, Insta, Twitter, etc.

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Top 21 Motivational Movies For Every Entrepreneurs of 2021

You can follow Gary Vaynerchuk via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram | Website | Youtube

Ryan Deiss

Ryan Diess
Via Facebook


Ryan Deiss, a big name in the digital marketing industry, is Scalable’s and’s founder & CEO. He is also building the for embracing internal marketing with employee feedback and engagement tools. Ryan regularly updates his digital marketing tips on Twitter and his website.

He has served as the digital marketer for companies like Uber, InfusionSoft, etc. Such that he establishes his high standing in digital marketing.

You can follow Ryan Deiss via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Website

Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin
Via Forbes


Rand Fishkin is a big name in the SEO tools marketing industry. He is the former CEO of the company MOZ. With the help of his company, he has been optimized 100k businesses over the internet. He is also the co-founder of SparkToro and continuously talks about marketing and startups on his social media handles and website.

He wrote one of the best selling book, Lost and Founder. If you want to update with the latest SEO techniques, follow him; he is the greatest.

You can follow Rand Fishkin via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Website

Larry Kim

Laryy Kim
Via Facebook


Being CEO of MobileMonkey, he is also the founder of Wordstream. He is in the top column of the Inc. His professional mainstream is Google Adwords, Facebook advertising, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, startups, and venture capital.

To gain knowledge about SEO and marketing, you can follow his publishing site He has a following of more than 200k on Twitter and other platforms.

You can follow Larry Kim via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram | Website

Pat Flynn

Pat flynn
via smartpassiveincome


If you ever try to find out how to earn money online, you undoubtedly have visited Oh yes, he founded this marketing teaching platform back in 2008 and had enormously made the million online marketers. Flynn actively shares podcasts where he had made the 60+ million download, which is immense in numbers. He is actively followed on social media platforms by enthusiast youngsters and more learners.

Unlike other marketers, he shows his monthly incomes on his website to make his online marketing teaching business more trustable and worthwhile.

You will be shocked that he was not an entrepreneur by the beginning.

In the wake of losing my architecture job, I was lost and afraid. I started searching for answers and a new direction—and what I found blew my mind.

You can follow Pat Flynn via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram | Website| Youtube

Ramit Sethi

ramit sethi onine marketing guru
via iwillteachyoutoberich


Okay, the most famous and potential business person Ramit Sethi whose business site name is  “I WILL TEACH YOU To Be Rich.” teaches you everything about making extra money in little as an hour. His finance teaching has featured on platforms like Forbes, Inc, Fortune, and other starring platforms.

His book is an NYT best selling book with the same name as the website. His aspiration and his hobbies can flourish you If you follow him.

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Top 7 Real Online Jobs For Earning Quick Money in COVID Situations

You can follow Ramith Sethi via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram | Website | Youtube

Pam Moore

Pam moore
Via Facebook


She is into digital marketing for more than 25+ years and assisted small or giant business in branding to connect them with their audience. Before PamMarketingNutz, her digital marketing agency, she has served for 15+ years to big corporates.

She followed by Forbes’s Top 10 Social Media women’s Influencers list. Also, she regularly shares her digital stories to inspire and engage in exact ways with other businesses.

You can follow Pam more via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram

Tim Ferriss

Tim ferriss
Via Facebook


Tim Ferriss’s first book, The 4-hour workweek, is amongst his career’s best-selling books. He has published millions of downloaded podcasts of great names like Hugh Jackman, Jak Kornfield, Brene Brown, Tyler Cowen, etc.

He had talked about the discipline of sex psychedelics and more in his podcast. He continuously teaches people how to secure financial freedom, earn productivity by keeping in mind good health at an early age.

He has a collection of things to learn for others, surely follow him. His journey was not as shown in the picture. It was quite tricky – early childhood abuse, etc.

You can follow Tim Ferris via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram | Website| Youtube

Ann Handley

Ann Handley


Anny Handley is an influential name in digital marketing and content marketing. She is the best selling author in the wall street journal. And Anny also has been recognized as the world’s most influential women and top women blogger on the Forbes list.

Also, she is the co-founder of, which is the best source of marketing and commentary. The woman is inspiring for new marketers to get real-world results.

You can follow Ann Handley via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram | Website

Joe Pulizzi

Joe Pulizi
Via Impactplus


He is ruling the marketing industry for a long time. Apart from Marketing, he is an author, podcaster speaker, and entrepreneur as well.

He has been featured and worked at prominent officials like WSJ, Content marketing institute, fortune, Disnip, IBM, etc.

You can follow Joe Pulizzi via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Website| Youtube

Lilach Bullock

Lilach bullock
Via Facebook


She is a professional content writer, business helping coach, digital marketer, and recognized speaker and author. For 15 years in this digital marketing industry, she has worked with 100 businesses to find and solve their problems.

Forbes also listed her as the top 20 social media influential women. She has spoken many times at companies like Twitter, Alexa, Forbes, etc.

You can follow lLilach Bullock via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Website

Eric Siu



Eric siu
Via Facebook


Founder of big digital marketing companies like ClickFlow, Single grain. Apart from it, he is an investor, podcaster, Member of the YPO. He also wrote the genuine skill upgrading and c0nquering the world book leveling up.

He has also worked with tech giant companies like Amazon, Uber, and Salesforce to earn more customers.

Also Read
12 Powerful Blogging Books for Each Month of 2021 to Make You Rich and Smart

You can follow Eric Siu via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin| Website

Alvin Hussey

via Facebook


He has been worked for the youth media for decades. Now he helps the brands and agencies to connect more effectively and safely to the younger generation.

Alvin is the Senior Business Development Manager at the SuperAwesome. Apart from it, he is also the keynote speaker. He has been featured in the Mayple’s 12 England’s explosive digital marketing influencers.

You can follow Alvin Hussey on Linkedin

Jay Baer

Jay Baer


Jae Baer is an enthusiastic, inspirational, and energetic personality. He considers calling himself the 7th generation entrepreneur. He is the founder of five 5 million dollar companies, which is gigantic.

He led the company“Convince and Converts Consulting,” a digital marketing company that had served several iconic brands like Nike, The united nation, Oracle, Caterpillar, etc.

You can follow Jae Baer via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Website

Tommy Griffith

via poddtopen


You would probably know about him already.  He is the co-founder of ClickMinded, a digital marketing course providing platform for entrepreneurs and marketers. You can sense the idea of his experience by that he is the SEO manager of one of the largest traveling agency Airbnb and payment gateway Paypal.

You can follow Tommy Griffith via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin | Website

Astrid Kramer

via Facebook


She is 13 year- experienced, open-minded, knowledgeable SEO expert UX Consultant, system designer, speaker, and moderator.  She is a profound expert in technical, editorial, and strategic SEO too.

Philipp & Kuntze, Ogilvy, Barfer Wellwood are the notable names of companies she has worked with.

You can follow Astrid Kramer via following social media channels-

Facebook | Linkedin 

Karl Gilis

karl gilis
via Facebook


Karl Gilis regarded by PPC Hero as the 3rd most influential conversion optimization expert in the world. He grows the other businesses with customer reach and experimentation.

He is a keynote speaker on customer experience, CRO, and UX. His client’s list includes Microsoft, car glass, Yoast SEO, Coolblue, etc.

You can follow Karl Gills via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin  | Website

Liraz Rahmin Postan



Liraz Postan recognizes herself as an International SEO expert and SEO/Content Global Speaker.  She stays in Israel.

Aside from all this, she is the CO-Founder of LiLi Marketing Services LLC and Founder of LP marketing services Inc. (Helping International brands increase organic visibility via content strategy, influencer marketing, and SEO).

You can follow Liraz via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin

Mark Kaigwa

mark kaigwa

Top 30 Under 30: Africa’s best young entrepreneurship  Forbes’s listed candidate ends our best online digital marketing guru list.

He is an author, speaker, and Entrepreneur focused on strategy, marketing, and data in digital Africa. He has worked with many companies like BBC, Fincredit Limited, Nendo, etc., in different roles.

You can follow Mark via following social media channels-

Twitter | Linkedin| Website| Youtube

We hope you like the list. 🙂

By the way, who are your favorite marketing gurus? Did we miss someone awesome? Please feel free to write under the comment section.

Keep sharing; keep loving. 🙂

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